4th General Lyceum of EGALEO (Greece) 4ogelaigaleo.blogspot.com
Our school is the 4th General Lyceum (Senior High School) of Egaleo and it offers general education. All students take part in the Pan-Hellenic exams and the majority succeeds and enters the University and other educational establishments.
Zespol Szkol Ekonomicznych im. A i J. Vetterow (Lublín, Poland) http://www.zse.lublin.pl/comenius/
This School complex of three: upper secondary school, "profiled" secondary school and technical school.This school offers different profiles: Journalism, European, IT, social profile, economy and administration.
Ms. Barbara Gauze, teacher of English, is coordinating this project.
Madach Imre SzKI (Gödöllo, Hungary ) www.miszki.sulinet.hu
Located about 30 kms and 20 minutes from Budapest, this school offers two types of education, one is a four-year school with a matura exam at the end. There are also evening classes for adults who want to take their matura exam.
The other is the vocational school where the first two years are the preparatory years. The last three are the professional education. The students can choose from among the following professions like tailoring, electronics, car body repairing and hairdressing.
Yıldırım Beyazıt A.L. (Ankara,Turkey)http://www.ybal-comenius.com/
The pupils at this school are between 14 and 17. They have general education, they teach English and German as foreign languages and the aim of their school is to prepare the pupils for the University Entrance Exams which is at the end of 12th grade. The exam is crucial for their future life in their country. This project is important for their institution because it will make pupils and colleagues communicate with foreign people and foreign cultures.
Sredno obshtoobrazovatelno uchilishte “Hristo Botev” (Bulgaria) www.hristobotev.org
The school offers primary, pre-secondary and secondary education for children from 7 to 19 years old. Upon completion of the grade 7, pupils apply for profile-oriented secondary classes (Humanities and Biology) with intensive English language instruction and after grade 8 for profile ‘Tourism’.
I.E.S. "Reino Aftasida", Badajoz (Spain): http://comeniusaftasida.blogspot.com
The school has four big sections:
1) Compulsory Secondary Education
2) Upper Secondary Education, dealing with Social Sciences and Arts
3) Printing Design
4) Adult teaching, including Online Post-Compulsory Secondary Education.
- Το Comenius στις τοπικές εφημερίδες
- Headmaster's Report on the Project
- Last Meeting In Athens (3-7 June 2012)
- Meeting In Greece
- New Activity For Our School
- Our Magazine- Introduction To Our Comenius Magazine
- Our School Comenius Notice Board And Poster
- Partners
- Students Comments
- Value And Thematic Areas
- Visiting Bulgaria
- Visiting Hungary
- Visiting Poland
- Visiting Spain
- Visiting Turkey
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